Craft cocktail recipes & pet chickens. It’s not weird…IT’S EGGCENTRIC.
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Mulled Maple Apple Daiquiri
A perfect summer-fall segue cocktail: The Mulled Maple Apple Daiquiri. Fall is nigh, so we’re definitely going to apple. Then we’re going to add some mulling spiced maple syrup. But we’re going to cling to summer with our rum, ok? | Drinking with Chickens
Peppercorn Jammy Beergaritas with Exotico Tequila
Sweet, spice, salt, and fizz, topped off with a healthy dose of smooth tequila. Also: chickens in ponchos.
Marialada with Exotico Tequila
Exotico Tequila + beer + brunch. Nothing else needed. Oh, except chickens. Always chickens.
Poison Apple Margarita
A tart, spicy, spooky cocktail for all your Halloween imbibing needs.