The C. Breeze
So while drinking at a country club this weekend for my dad's surprise birthday party, my sister-in-law introduced me to the Seabreeze cocktail. I'd never had it. The typical recipe goes a little something like this: grapefruit juice, cranberry juice, vodka, and grenadine. It's a cute pink thing.
But it made me realize something super profound: I don't like grapefruit juice. Or rather...I don't like grapefruit juice from concentrate. As it turns out, having a big ol' tree in my yard that keeps us drowning in fruit nearly year-round has completely ruined me. I'm a fresh grapefruit juice whore.
So when I got home, I made a slightly different version.
The C. Breeze. "C" as in "chicken". Wakka wakka.
T H E C. B R E E Z E
In a cocktail shaker with ice, combine:
2 oz. fresh grapefruit juice
2 oz. sweet pink dessert wine
1.5 oz. chilled vodka
.5 oz. homemade grenadine (I follow this recipe.)
Shake ingredients until chilled. In the bottom of your glass, drop another .5 oz. of grenadine, then fill with ice. Pour shaker ingredients into glass, then garnish with a few Luxardo cherries, and if you're feeling super fancy, a few edible blooms such as nasturtiums.
This feels like a lovely spring/summertime sip. Gotta love a pretty pink cocktail.
But let's simmer down.