Cranberry + Rosehip Cognac Flip
Bring on the cranberries, amirite? But also, let's add rosehips because, in theory, my garden is filled with them this time of year. Except this year it's not. So I had to buy dried rosehips and use my imagination.
Chickens like to wear cranberry necklaces. *FALSE
And the cranberries didn't come from my yard, either (even though you'd assume from this photo that I have my own bog. I mean, who doesn't have their own bog?). But the eggs did, soooo...quit judging me.
C R A N B E R R Y + R O S E H I P C O G N A C F L I P
Makes one cocktail.
1.5 oz. cognac
.5 oz. Cranberry + Rosehip Syrup (instructions below)
.25 oz. heavy cream
1 egg white
5 dashes rosewater
1-2 fresh cranberries, halved (for garnish)
1 tbs. dried rosehips, ground into dust in food processor
To make the syrup:
Combine 2 cups fresh cranberries, 1 cup sugar, and 1 cup water in a saucepan over medium-high heat. Bring to a simmer, turn heat to low and simmer for about 15 minutes. Remove from heat and add 1/2 cup of dried rosehips. Allow to steep for 10 minutes. Strain mixture into an airtight jar and store in fridge.
To make the cocktail:
Add cognac, cream, rosewater, and syrup into a shaker over ice. Shake until chilled, strain liquids from shaker, toss out ice, place cocktail back into shaker, add egg white, and shake aggressively for about 30 seconds. Pour contents (don't strain) into a coupe. Dust foam with rosehip dust, and garnish with halved cranberries.
Let's all just take a moment to appreciate that my chicken wore her cranberry necklace through this whole shoot without complaint. Like a lady.
Cheers to cranberry-filled holidays!