Carrot Cake Eggnog
I have long lamented the fact that eggnog is only a winter holiday drink. WHY AREN’T WE DRINKING IT ALL YEAR LONG. Okay, okay, okay, so maybe it’s not actually the kind of drink you want to be throwing back poolside on a hot summer day…but can we agree it makes a lot of sense for it to be an early spring drink? Eggs? At Easter? Come on. Why isn’t this a thing.
I’m making it a thing.
Easter Bunny approved.
Especially this boozy Carrot Cake Eggnog situation. THIS IS SUPER SPRINGY. Are you on board with me yet? Does the chicken wearing tiny bunny ears help? Didn’t think so.
The other fantastic thing about nog is that it can be batched well in advance (as long as you add enough booze to it, it can marinate in your fridge for weeks), so it’s great for serving up at holiday gatherings.
Carrot Cake Eggnog
Makes approximately 6 servings.
6 medium eggs
2 cups whole milk
1.5 cups carrot juice
1 cup heavy cream
1 cup granulated sugar
1 cup white rum
1 cup spiced rum such as Malahat Spirits (highly recommend) or Captain Morgan
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
Garnish each glass: 1/2 teaspoon ground candied walnuts or pecans + a small carrot
To make your nog: separate eggs…whites into one medium bowl (and store in fridge in an airtight container up to 24 hours), yolks into large bowl. Add sugar, cinnamon, and ginger to your egg yolks and mix until thoroughly blended and creamy. Whisk in milk, cream, carrot juice, and both rums. Place in airtight container and store in fridge AT LEAST overnight, shaking occasionally. Best to let it age in fridge for several days. ALWAYS USE CAUTION WHEN CONSUMING RAW EGG PRODUCTS.
When you are ready to serve, start by whipping your egg whites until stiff peaks form (if you let your nog mixture age for several days, it is best to whip up fresh egg whites, as they do not have the booze in them to keep them from spoiling. AGAIN: USE CAUTION WITH THE RAW EGG PRODUCTS PLEASE). Divide aged nog mixture into glasses and top each with a layer of egg white foam, a single carrot, and a dusting of ground candied nuts.
Hai, Princess Vespa. Yes, we see you, never fear.
Happy spring from myself and the happiest Easter Bunny ever.