A Boozy Garden Tea Party
I ask but one question: what good is a garden if you don't throw chicken parties in it?
The troops, clockwise from top left: Compact Cookies, Should We Go, Stir and Strain, Sarah Ehlinger, Mien Studios, Dine x Design, Nosh with Tash, Lashes by AC, Color by Kari, (ME!), Wandering Whiskey Society, Bit by a Fox, Winston & Main, Boys Moms Vs. Girls Moms, & Elleemme. Not pictured: KOVAL Distillery and Babes Behind the Bar.
So what happens when you gather a bunch of like-minded, creative women for an afternoon of collaboration in the Garden of Cocktails and Chickens?
Chicken selfies. Lots of chicken selfies.
Should We Go basking in the glow of a fat chicken.
Elleemme getting in some Pip scritches.
Pip was very popular with the ladies! Here, the Compact Cookies ladies do a little drinking with chickens and show off one of their custom cookies they created for the event.
Tabitha of Winston & Main rocking the shoulder bird like a pro. (She IS a pro--she's got her own chickens: CRAZY CHICKEN LADIES UNITE!!!!!)
Bit by a Fox and Princess Vespa looking gorgeous and FIERCE. No seriously, Princess Vespa is a jerk.
It's hard to see to the left of Corn, but Stir and Strain is sporting the most fabulous chicken brooch and definitely gets the gold star for best Chicken Garden Party attire.
Dine x Design getting after that rosé and shoulder bird in The Chicken Bar. Also of note: bird shirt FTW!
Lashes by AC gracefully handling a very ornery Frau Farbissina like it ain't no thang.
Okay enough about chicken selfies...let's talk about the event.
Many thanks to KOVAL Distillery and rep Jamie Stout for bringing us all the gorgeous spirits to play with, and to Bit by a Fox for whipping up two fab cocktails for us to sip: the Whiskey Cardinale and the La La Lemon Drop.
The La La Lemon Drop by Bit By a Fox with KOVAL gin, lemon juice, lemon curd, and sage.
And those flowers tho....absolutely magical florals done by Winston & Main--not just a stunning garland centerpiece but amazing little floral cuffs for each of us to wear!
Image courtesy of Lisa Hsieh of Mien Studios. Florals by Winston & Main.
Image courtesy of Lisa Hsieh of Mien Studios. Florals by Winston & Main. Table and event styled by Wandering Whiskey Society and Drinking with Chickens.
Image courtesy of Lisa Hsieh of Mien Studios. Floral cuffs by Winston & Main.
Chickens getting all up in Winston & Main's flower garland.
Image courtesy of Lisa Hsieh of Mien Studios. TO DIE FOR Bourbon Buttercream Earl Grey Cupcakes by Dine x Design.
The ladies from Compact Cookies not only brought THE MOST ADORABLE and delicious custom cookies to the event, they taught us all how to decorate our own!
Image and cookies courtesy of Compact Cookies.
Big shout out to Nosh with Tash and Lashes by AC for their scones and appetizers!
And BIGGEST shout out to Gina of Wandering Whiskey Society for helping plan and execute the entire event.
Image courtesy of Lisa Hsieh of Mien Studios. Vintage tea goods by Wandering Whiskey Society. Florals by Winston & Main.
Okay, I lied...one more chicken selfie:
Princess Vespa is OVER IT.